This annonymous message on the town noticeboard was ALL THE BIRTHDAY STUFF I GOT FROM THESE UNGRATEFUL BASTARDS. The sign
clearly says "Let's all congratulate Angus on another great year!" and what did they all do? Ignore me. Several animals even had the balls to ask whether I'd seen my brother.

Just the kind of thing to cheer me up after getting no presents, cards or recognition of any sort regarding my special day. I Find it very hurtful, especially after that prank the animals pulled on me the day I moved in. To take my mind off things I went into the underground bar for a drink and to listen to the soothing melodies of K.K.Slider; a regular musician in these parts. You'll never guess what he said to me. He actually acknowledged my birthday and played me a song. He dedicated it to me.

I was super happy. How the hell did he know? I've never met him before and he's only in town 4 hours a week. Did the other animals discuss my birthday thoroughly and then just choose to universally ignore it? Conspiring Freaks. It's probably 'coz I'm not "from around here." You probably have to grow up in this hole before people start to care about you.
Anyway after getting over it I visited Boomer.

He was also new in town and so I felt I could share with him my feelings of isolation and resentment. I felt I could trust Boomer and it seems that the feeling was mutual because he decided to immediately entrust his strange feelings of sexual tension with me. I have to say I wasn't ready for that one. I got outta there pretty quick, I was affraid he might have more secrets and if they weren't about me and my birthday I didn't wanna know. You'd think that my birthday was at it's worst, but then I got chased by bees who went crazy on my face. The animals were quite insensitive about it too. Jerks.

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